Fifth Green Intra-University Football Tournament's grand opening ceremony, organized by the Sports Club of Green University. The ceremony promises to be an exhilarating event on the 19th of May 2023 at the Permanent Campus of Green University of Bangladesh. The esteemed presence of Professor Dr. Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice-Chancellor of Green University, as our Chief Guest adds immense honor and significance to the occasion. We are privileged to have him inaugurate the tournament, symbolizing the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie that we aim to foster within our university community. Joining us as Special Guests will be Prof. Dr. Md. Fayzur Rahman, Treasurer of Green University, Prof. Dr. Farhana Helal Mehtab, Dean of the Faculties of Law, Arts & Social Science, Prof. Dr. Saiful Azad, Dean of the Faculty of Science & Engineering and Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tareque Aziz, Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies. Their presence will further enhance the event, showcasing the multidisciplinary support for sports and extracurricular activities at Green University. Moreover, we are honored to have Brig. Gen. Md. Mahboob Sarwar, PhD (Retd), the Registrar of Green University, and Professor K.M. Wazed Kabir, the Proctor of Green University of Bangladesh, join us as our esteemed Guests of Honor. Their support and guidance towards promoting sports activities within the university are invaluable. We invite you to join us in celebrating the spirit of unity, talent, and passion for football that our university community exudes. This event provides an excellent opportunity for networking, fostering friendships, and supporting our talented athletes. Please find the event details below: Event: Opening Ceremony of the 5th Green Intra-University Football Tournament, 2023 Date: 19th May 2023 Time: 10.00 AM