Debating Club (GUDC)

Debating Club (GUDC)

Green University Debating Club (GUDC) is a debate organization founded on 19th May 2010It is the very first club of the Green University of Bangladesh. With the dream of producing futureleaders of the nation, the Green University Debating club was formed. Through theestablishment of the debate club, there has been an opportunity for the students to express theinopinions, and to contribute to solving problems in society through a constructive e anceargumentative approach.


The vision of the Green University Debating Club (GUDC) is to refinement of public speaking skills by its students. GUDC buildsvaluable public speaking, critical thinking, and argumentation skills in its members. Members ofthis club practice these skills in weekly debates on a wide variety of current issues. Participatingin debate makes its members more confident speakers, teaches you to analyze issues quickly anceffectively, and makes them more informed about the world around you.


The mission of the Green University Debating Club (GUDC) is to encourage ancfacilitate the acquisition.

Club Event Calender

Event Name Date